The follow up, Godzilla vs. Megalon vies with Godzilla ‘s Revenge for the title of worst Godzilla film. The aliens aren’t from outer space, but from under the ground. Upset with nuclear testing, they do a little dance, and send their giant bug, Megalon to destroy Japan (those Japanese and their nuclear bombs; when will they learn?). His teammate is Gigon, the turkey buzzsaw. Seems the subterranean dwellers keep the space cockroaches on speed dial in case they ever need to borrow a cup of monster. Godzilla pairs up with a TV show rip-off robot that can communicate with the big lizard using flamboyant sign language (must be a class on that at Monster U). The robot can grow to giant size due to his survival programming (a fact unknown to its creator). Handy.
Cheap even by the standards of 70s Godzilla films, Godzilla vs. Megalon has few sets and fewer people; two adults and one “Kenny” (annoying young boy in oddly tight pants). The project comes across as a pilot for a horrendous kids robot series.