Fanfan la Tulipe (1952)

Fanfan la Tulipe (1952)

Charismatic but foolish Fanfan (Gérard Philipe) is on his way to a shotgun wedding when a gypsy girl (Gina Lollobrigida, dubbed by Claire Guibert) tells him he is fated to become a great soldier and marry the princess. He escapes and joins the army, only to learn that the gypsy was really the daughter of

Gantz: 0

Gantz: 0

Select people are resurrected immediately after death to take part in a survival “game” that has real consequences for the world. They are sent out to kill actual monsters in the cities of Japan. If they fail within the time period allotted, they are killed. If they kill enough monsters, they can choose greater weapons,

El fantasma del convento (1934)

El fantasma del convento (1934)

Somewhat effeminate Eduardo (Carlos Villatoro), his wife Cristina (Marta Roel), and Eduardo’s more manly friend Alfonso (Enrique del Campo) get lost while walking in the woods at night. A strange man with his dog, Shadow, appears and offers to take them to the nearby monastery of the cloistered Order of Silence. There they are taken

El superloco {The Super Madman} (1937)

El superloco {The Super Madman} (1937)

The mysterious Dr. Dienys (Carlos Villarías) is both feared and mocked by the medical scientific community. And why not, when he experiments with psychic powers with which he has kept himself from aging. He also can directly effect others and controls a monster (Raúl Urquijo) that he keeps in a cell, but no one knows

The Robot vs The Aztec Mummy (1958)

The Robot vs The Aztec Mummy (1958)

Five years have passed (even though the film was released seven months later). After an exceptionally long synopsis of the events so far, we find out that The Bat is still at large, and still has hypnotic power over Flor. His plan is…well, the same as always. He wants the breastplate and armband again. And

Kuroneko (1968)

Kuroneko (1968)

During a period of unrest in Japan, a mother and her daughter-in-law (Nobuko Otowa & Kiwako Taichi) are raped and murdered by a band of disheveled samurai. They return as ghosts, seducing and then killing samurai. The local samurai lord Raiko (Kei Sato) tasks newly minted samurai Gintoki (Kichiemon Nakamura) with finding who or what

The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman (1971)

The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman (1971)

Student researchers Elvira (Gaby Fuchs) and Genevieve (Barbara Capell) travel to the likely location of the tomb of the evil Countess Wandessa (Patty Shepard), who folktales peg as a vampire. When their car breaks down, they are taken in by Waldemar Daninsky (Paul Naschy), who is the only person around for twenty miles. He too

Gamera vs. Barugon/War of the Monsters (1966)

Gamera vs. Barugon/War of the Monsters (1966)

Gamera’s rocket is struck by a meteor, returning him to earth where he vanishes from the movie for nearly an hour. Meanwhile, three men (who I think might be low level gangsters—it isn’t clear) head to New Guinea to recover an opal that our more-or-less hero’s brother hid during WWII. The opal is not a

The Lure {Córki dancingu} (2015)

The Lure {Córki dancingu} (2015)

Silver (Marta Mazurek) and Golden (Michalina Olszanska), a pair of mermaids, seduce the members of a band to introduce them to human culture. Getting legs when they are dry helps them move around. With their stunning singing voices and their reappearing tails when they get wet, the two win over crowds as part of a

The Exterminating Angel (1962)

The Exterminating Angel (1962)

The upper-class guests at an after-opera dinner party find themselves making excuses not to leave when the party appears to be over. By morning it is clear that they cannot leave, either due to magic, miracle, curse, or weird psychological state. As days drag by, and thirst, hunger, and sickness engulf them, the guest become

The Aztec Mummy (1957)

The Aztec Mummy (1957)

Dr. Eduardo Almada (Ramón Gay) did not take the criticism of his theory of past life regression well. So with the help of his mentor (Jorge Mondragón) and his cowardly comic relief (Crox Alvarado), he hypnotizes his fiancée—who also happens to be his mentor’s daughter—Flor (Rosita Arenas). Luck would have it she used to be

De Spooktrein (1939)

De Spooktrein (1939)

A Joker pulls the emergency cord to stop the train in order to retrieve his hat that had flown out a window. This causes the train to arrive at the station late, and with no other trains coming until morning, stranding a group of passengers. Besides the Joker, the group include a newly Married Couple,