One Magic Christmas (1985)

One Magic Christmas (1985)

It’s a bad, bad, bad Christmas for the Graingers.  Jack (Gary Basaraba) loses his job and their house, and Ginny (Mary Steenburgen) is stuck working double shifts and hates the holiday.  They have no hope.  Then things really go down hill.  A robbery, a car jacking, yet another job loss, and three deaths.  Luckily, Ginny

Othello (1965)

Othello (1965)

Iago (Frank Finlay), enraged that Cassio (Derek Jacobi) has been promoted instead of himself, vows revenge upon his commander, Othello the Moor (Laurence Olivier), as well as Cassio. Othello has recently married the beautiful, young Desdemona (Maggie Smith), much to the regret of the foolish Roderigo (Robert Lang), who wanted her for himself. Iago and Roderigo stir

Othello (1995)

Othello (1995)

Iago (Kenneth Branagh), seeped in hatred for his commander, Othello (Laurence Fishburne), vows to destroy him and fellow officer Cassio (Nathaniel Parker). Othello has recently married the beautiful, young Desdemona (Irène Jacob), much to the regret of the foolish Roderigo (Michael Maloney), who wanted her for himself. Iago uses Roderigo in his plot to disgrace Cassio,

Pal Joey (1957)

Pal Joey (1957)

Joey Evans (Frank Sinatra), a low-rent lounge singer and lady killer recently kicked out of town for playing with the mayor’s underaged daughter, connives his way into a nightclub gig.  After working his way through the chorus line, he hits on Linda English (Kim Novak), the “nice girl” who is resistant to his charms.  He

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006)

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006)

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille (Ben Whishaw), born in the slums of 18th century France, has a super-human ability to detect and distinguish scents. His accidental killing of a maiden leads him on a quest to preserve all smells. After studying with an out-of-vogue perfume maker (Dustin Hoffman), Grenouille attempts to make the perfect perfume from the essences of

The Phantom of the Opera Resynched

The Phantom of the Opera Resynched

This is a review of a “Fan Edit.”  Details of the original film, including twists and the ending, may be revealed. I may not seem to be a good choice to review anything connected to The Phantom of the Opera.  Not only do I not understand why someone would undertake re-editing it, I don’t understand why

The Pink Panther (2006)

The Pink Panther (2006)

When a French soccer coach (played by the very British Jason Statham) is murdered and the Pink Panther diamond is stolen, fame-seeking Chief Inspector Dreyfus (Kevin Kline) brings in Inspector Jacques Clouseau (Steve Martin) to bungle the case.  With Detective Second Class Ponton (Jean Reno) at his side, and following pop star and suspect Xania

The Pirate (1948)

The Pirate (1948)

Manuela (Judy Garland) is about to be married off by her aunt (Gladys Cooper) to the rich, older, dull mayor, Don Pedro Vargas (Walter Slezak) when she meets a traveling actor, Serafin (Gene Kelly). Discovering that she secretly fantasizes about the pirate Macoco, Serafin masquerades as the villain, taking over the town and postponing her wedding

Pluto's Christmas Tree (1952)

Pluto’s Christmas Tree (1952)

When Mickey Mouse (voice: James MacDonald) cuts down a Christmas tree, he fails to notice that the chipmunks Chip (voice: James MacDonald) and Dale (voice: Dessie Flynn) were living there.  When the tree is set up in the house, the chipmunks have lots of new things to play with, but Mickey’s dog, Pluto, is none-to-happy

The Poseidon Adventure (2005)

The Poseidon Adventure (2005)

On New Year’s Eve, a giant wave capsizes the luxury liner…wait.  It seems to be terrorists with a bomb.  Well, that’s a horrible idea.  Let me check on that.  Yup, it’s terrorists.  OK, scratch the wave.  Stereotypical Middle Eastern terrorists blast a hole in the side of the Poseidon, causing it to tip over in

Pride and Prejudice (A Whole Lot of Pride and a Little Prejudice)

Pride and Prejudice (A Whole Lot of Pride and a Little Prejudice)

Pride and Prejudice (A&E – 1995)  Pride & Prejudice (2005) Pride and Prejudice (BBC – 1980) Pride and Prejudice (1940) Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)  Pride and Prejudice: A Latter Day Comedy (2003) Bride and Prejudice (2004) Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001) A classic novel by Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice is the story of

Pride & Prejudice (1940)

Pride & Prejudice (1940)

Anyone bothered by the changes from the novel of the versions reviewed above will enter a state of apoplexy with this one.  That doesn’t mean it isn’t charming, just different. The satire has faded away in the face of romance and humor.  This is a frothy, funny take on the material, much in the style