The Lobster (2015/6)

The Lobster (2015/6)

In what might be the future, David (a chunked up Colin Farrell) arrives at the hotel for single people. He has 45 days to find a partner, or he will be turned into the animal of his choice: a lobster. The one rule is that one must have a commonality with one’s proposed partner, which

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

The Original Series crew reunites to stop an all-powerful alien spacecraft headed for Earth. Kirk has weaseled his way back onto the bridge, demoting its new Captain, Decker. Along for the ride is new navigator Lieutenant Ilia, an empath, who has a romantic history with Decker. Star Trek: The Motion Picture is the most cinematic

Rampage (2018)

Rampage (2018)

He-man Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (Dwayne Jonson)—for some reason using the name Davis Okoye, but he’s just The Rock—pretends to be a special forces trained killing machine, who loves animals. He’s also a primatologist, which in this film does not require any scholarly training; it just means you hang out with apes and joke around,

The Shoes of the Fisherman (1968)

The Shoes of the Fisherman (1968)

In the future of 1988, archbishop and political prisoner Kiril Lakota (Anthony Quinn) is finally freed from a Siberian labor camp by a deal made between Premier Piotr Ilyich Kamenev (Laurence Olivier) and the Vatican. During his first meeting with The Pope (John Gielgud), he is made a Cardinal, an honor he did not want.

The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932)

The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932)

Sir Lionel Barton (Lawrence Grant), who is the definition of an Englishman, has discovered the tomb of Genghis Khan. This news worries the always-worried but also stiff upper-lipped Nayland Smith (Lewis Stone) of the British secret service. He knows that Dr. Fu Manchu (Boris Karloff) wants the mask and sword of Genghis Khan to make

Captain Marvel (2019)

Captain Marvel (2019)

In the mid-1990s, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) is an amnesiac space soldier of the Kree empire, part of an elite squad lead by Yon-Rogg (Jude Law), tasked to fight the shape-changing Skrulls. A mission goes wrong and she is separated from her team, captured by the Skrull Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), and mind-probed. She escapes

Gantz: 0

Gantz: 0

Select people are resurrected immediately after death to take part in a survival “game” that has real consequences for the world. They are sent out to kill actual monsters in the cities of Japan. If they fail within the time period allotted, they are killed. If they kill enough monsters, they can choose greater weapons,

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)

The destruction of the Klingon moon, Praxis, leads to peace negotiations between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. But the assassination of the Klingon Chancellor, blamed on Captain Kirk, threatens that peace, and Spock and crew must determine the truth while Kirk and McCoy must escape their prison. The Undiscovered Country is a fine final

Ready Player One (2018)

Ready Player One (2018)

In a dystopian future, Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) is a simple-minded, selfish, undeveloped, pop-culture fanatic who we are supposed to like. He, like most people, spends all his time inside the OASIS, a virtual universe where people can be anything, sorta, but tend to go for things that were popular in the 1980s. The OASIS

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Spoilers. Four million years ago, stagnating proto-humans were close to extinction until a rectangular, black monolith appeared, altering them, making them smarter and more violent, and allowing their descendants to become the dominate species on the planet. But those descendants have now become stagnant as well. In early 2001 (though earlier in the sequels), another

The Man with Nine Lives (1940)

The Man with Nine Lives (1940)

Dr. Tim Mason (Roger Pryor) is at the forefront of frozen therapy, but his demonstration promised more than it could deliver, so he and his nurse/fiancée Judith Blair (Jo Ann Sayers) head to the long abandoned, secluded home of the inventor of frozen therapy, Dr. Leon Kravaal (Boris Karloff). There, in a hidden underground camber

Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe (2015)

Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe (2015)

At an archaeological dig, Hu Bayi (Mark Chao) volunteers, along with other soldiers, to accompany Professor Yan and his daughter Ping (Yao Chen) down a dangerous tunnel. These leads to fire bats, avalanches, and a mysterious temple, and also the deaths of most of the party. Several years later Bayi and his childhood friend Wang