A Very Special Family Guy Freakin' Christmas (2001)

A Very Special Family Guy Freakin’ Christmas (2001)

Lois is set for a perfect Christmas with visits to friends, a huge meal, presents purchased early, and baby Stewie in the Christmas play.  Stewie, on the other hand, is worried about this megalomaniacal Santa Claus who is always watching him.  When Peter accidentally gives all the presents away to charity, it is the first

White Trash Christmas (2002)

White Trash Christmas (2002)

A stereotypical good ol’ boy serenades us with the wonders of a white trash Christmas.  3 min. Radio DJ Bob Rivers has been composing parody songs for many years, and like most parodies, they are kind’a funny once, and drift rapidly toward the annoying.  Written with Spike O’Neil and Joe Bryant, two of the staff