A stereotypical good ol’ boy serenades us with the wonders of a white trash Christmas. 3 min.
Radio DJ Bob Rivers has been composing parody songs for many years, and like most parodies, they are kind’a funny once, and drift rapidly toward the annoying. Written with Spike O’Neil and Joe Bryant, two of the staff members of his Seattle radio show, White Trash Christmas is sung to the tune of White Christmas, and drifts a little faster than most. It repeats the normal red neck jokes, transplanting them to the holiday: decorating the mobile home, cousins kissing, Mad Dog and Miller Lite to drink, and howlin’ hound dogs.
Now with the help of the Internet and flash animation, anyone can be a filmmaker. The short White Trash Christmas is just the song with animated characters acting out those white trash moments. The cartoons don’t add much to the song, but they don’t take away anything. At three minutes, it’s worth a look, once.