Oct 272012
  October 27, 2012

The Munster’s re-boot, Mockingbird Lane is surprisingly, shockingly good. OK, make that: It is shocking that it is good. For those who remember the origional fondly though the fog of years, a quick reminder: It sucked big time.  This new take reduces the embaressment and the campyness, and has some great moments and clever dialog.  Lily’s entrance is beautiful. Grandpa and Eddie are worthwhile characters and Marilyn is given great lines (murdered hobos finding a home…).  The Herman character is a bit weak, but this was just a pilot.

This is the best new TV show of the last few years, so naturally NBC didn’t pick it up (they didn’t like Brian Fuller’s more-interesting-than-real world).  Too bad.  Perhaps another network with more vision will pick it up while that is still an option.