Sep 291946
two reels

Gambler and American expatriate Johnny Farrell (Glenn Ford) is saved from a robber by casino owner Ballin Mundson (George Macready) and becomes his right-hand man.  Trouble erupts when Mundson marries the overly sexual Gilda (Rita Hayworth), who had been Johnny’s previous lover. The two have a love/hate relationship, with an emphasis on hate. Gilda sets out to upset Johnny by running around with other men while Johnny does his best to hide it from Mundson. When Mundson’s Nazi connections remove him from the uneasy triangle, Johnny takes the opportunity to punish Gilda.

Some works of art are classics, masterpieces that speak to everyone, of any age and in any time (well, within reason).  Others belong to a specific generation. They reflect what is going on at that moment as viewed by a target segment of the population.  Most of these art works present something that hasn’t been seen before, or seen often, and that thing is of inordinate importance to the group.  These works often are meaningless, inappropriate, or far worse, boring to everyone else. Nirvana’s Smells like Teen Spirit is a prime example in recent music.  It went right to the soul of early ’90s twenty-year-olds, but is painful to my retired mother and ignored by anyone who got their drivers license in the new century.  Rebel Without a Cause was a metaphoric anthem to ’50s teens trying to escape an oppressive world.  Now, teens giggle at its over-ripe dialog and acting.

Which brings us to Gilda.  It was the height of post-WWII, production-code-censored sexuality.  For anyone in their late teens to early forties in 1946, this was it.  This was the movie that made them hot and bothered.  And it stands or falls on that sexuality.

No one at the time even noticed the plot, which is just as well.  Mundson hires some failed cheat off the street to run his business?  Odd hiring practice.  Who ran it before?  Mundson knows Johnny and Gilda had a relationship in the past but he puts them together whenever possible.  Why?  Mundson runs an evil cartel (so little explanation is given that it’s best just to characterize it as evil) and yet has no plans should he run into trouble, and if you can figure out how he intends to regain control at the end, you know more than the writers.  With so little story, Gilda barely fits in its genre.  It’s starts as Noir, but spends most of its time as a two-character melodrama, where people do things only because house wives would find it titillating, not because it makes any sense for the characters.

The directing is nothing special.  Some shots are nice, but others highlight the artificial setting.  Johnny gambles at the casino and the frame gives us nothing but him and a blank wall.  The dialog is sub par as well.  Gilda tosses a few good zingers, but the normal conversations lack both reality and wit (you need one or the other) and the few memorable lines (“If I’d been a ranch, they would have named me The Bar None”) are cheesy fun, not intelligent or lyrical.  It’s at its worst with the bloated and unnecessary voice-over, inserted so that we know this is Film Noir.  Noir narration should give us something we can’t get otherwise, but here Johnny tells us what we can see and hear.  He states that he heard singing at night.  Well, so do we.  He advises us that Gilda is scared at the same time we see her being scared.

So it all comes down to sex, and time has not been kind.  My parents often remarked on how sexy this film was, usually after commenting on how it’s always more exciting when people keep their clothing on.  Well, it’s not always more exciting when everyone is dressed, and Gilda is a relic.  Rita Hayworth isn’t the problem.  She had sex appeal to burn.  She was the “Sex Goddess,” and while that title is overstating things, she’s supplies whatever zip Gilda has.  But mere presence isn’t enough.  If you have Angelina Jolie (the current sexpot of choice of internet poll-takers) sitting on a stool reading the paper for an hour, it’s not going to be exciting.  Hayworth needs to do something to be sexy, not just walk around and look sad.

Any fan of the film should, at this point in my review, be shouting about the striptease.  Yup, that’s the moment.  No one would even remember this film without the striptease.  It’s far more tease than strip with only a glove removed, but I suppose it manages to qualify for the designation.  Gilda sways in a black dress, a large bow over Hayworth’s gut, hiding the effects of her pregnancy,  singing “Put the Blame on Mame,” an astonishingly un-sexy song for this pivotal scene.  Were there no torch songs available?  Anyway, Hayworth moves this way and that, keeps herself covered and avoids any overt movements that would upset the censors, and the whole thing is…nice.  Call it quaint.  But sexy?  Not in any overwhelming way.  Not in a post-Hays code world that now has Matty Walker (Kathleen Turner-Body Heat), Catherine Tramell (Sharon Stone-Basic Instinct), and Bridget Gregory (Linda Fiorentino-The Last Seduction).  I’ll simply ignore that they already had Slim Browning (Lauren Bacall-To Have and Have Not).  I’m not commenting on the beauty of the ladies, but rather on the fantasy, and Gilda is a fantasy for 1946.  Her dance is pleasant and there’s some family-friendly sexuality there, but it isn’t enough to hang a movie on.  If you’re tastes are more fitting to that time period, if you find women sexiest when their movements are G-rated and they are completely covered, Gilda may have some value for you.  For the rest of my generation, and the one that came after me, there’s little here.

Actually, there’s less than nothing.  The morality the film professes is disturbing, with no place in the modern world.  We’re still in “loose woman” territory.  Apparently, Gilda’s sleeping around is equivalent to, or even worse than Johnny’s physical abuse.  Johnny’s slapping Gilda isn’t nice, but it’s OK because she’s a slut.  But wait, she isn’t.  You see, Johnny’s unlawful imprisonment, mental cruelty, and physical violence can be forgiven so long as he repents, but no woman could ever be pardoned for the sin of sexual promiscuity.  By 1940s movie-values, Gilda could never be absolved.  So, the movie gives the audience an out.  Apparently, Gilda’s never done anything.  She only pretended to sleep around.  That way, she’s still pure, and can be pardoned for her only true transgression, lying, at the end.  There’s a message here, and I hope that no one wants to hear it any more.

Like many Film Noirs, Gilda has a vague element that wouldn’t have gotten past the censors if stated clearly.  In this case, it’s the homosexual subtext of Mundson and Johnny’s relationship.  It’s nothing more than that and falls apart if you try to fit it into the plot.  Mundson’s cane could be a symbolic penis that he swings in Johnny’s direction, but if you want to play that game, all you’ll be left with are a few symbols.

Older critics often discuss Gilda alongside Noir classics such as The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, and Double Indemnity.  It should know better than to play with its betters.

 Film Noir, Reviews Tagged with:
Sep 281946
two reels

The elderly Robin Hood finds tyranny once again in England in the form of the Regent (Henry Daniell). He reforms his band of merry men and calls on his son Robert (Cornel Wilde) to lead the fight. When the Regent threatens to kill the young king, Robert devises a rescue with the help of Lady Catherine Maitland (Anita Louise), who, it being a swashbuckler, he naturally falls in love with.

Though made by rival Columbia studios, The Bandit of Sherwood Forest is a sequel to the classic The Adventures of Robin Hood, with all the positives and negatives inherent in sequels. It was to be titled Son of Robin Hood but legal wrangling over who owned the rights to the name “Robin Hood” left it with its less streamlined name. Like its predecessor, it is a lavish (if stagy) Technicolor Swashbuckler, with those beautiful colors never found in nature. It has plenty of well choreographed fencing and archery, and, of course, romance. There are chipper heroes riding here and there and fighting for king and country as well as Machiavellian foes out to harm the little people. The cast is jam-packed with recognizable and talented studio players fronted by the charming Cornel Wilde. As an ex-member of the Olympic fencing team, he knows what to do with a sword.

That’s being generous. Like most sequels, it also pales next to the earlier film. The story meanders, seldom eliciting excitement. The tension is low and the suspense even lower. The music is pleasant, but forgettable and the direction is standard for a B-movie. While the supporting actors are all decent, none stand out except Henry Daniell (The Sea Hawk) who oozes evil. The fights are enjoyable and plentiful, but never rise above the level of competent. As for Wilde, he is indeed charming, but in a second-tier way. He’s no Flynn, and when not swashing and buckling, he has a hard time carrying a film with a lackluster script.

Grand epics can’t be made on the cheap, and everything about The Bandit of Sherwood Forest proclaims that no corner was left uncut. This is most obvious when viewing the townspeople—there are hardly any. This is Robin Hood after the plague wiped out nine-tenths of the population. I feel sorry for the regent.  He rules a country, but has only a handful of guards, only a couple courtiers, and no servants. No wonder he’s grumpy.

While The Bandit of Sherwood Forest is only mildly entertaining, it is an important anthropological record. Before seeing it, I had no idea that silk stockings were common in the early twelve-hundreds. When Robin observes Lady Catherine’s legs by the river, he comments on her silk stockings. You won’t find that kind of history of women’s leg-coverings anywhere else.

Other Robin Hood Swashbucklers I’ve reviewed: The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950), Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960), Robin and Marian (1976), Robin Hood (1991), and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991).

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 Reviews, Swashbucklers Tagged with:
Sep 261946

The plot is unclear, but this film isn’t about the destination, but the journey, and it’s one hell of a ride. The film whips along without a slow moment. The dialog is first rate, managing to be meaningful, witty, and funny all in a single sentence. There isn’t a wrong moment.

Continue reading »
May 071946
three reels

A pair of killers (Charles McGraw, William Conrad) show up in a small town diner with plans to kill the Swede (Burt Lancaster). Things are delayed as they terrorize the three people there, but eventually they get their man, who does not resist. Jim Reardon (Edmond O’Brien), an insurance investigator, takes the case because the Swede had a small life insurance policy. His investigation, with the help of Lt. Lubinsky (Sam Levene), leads to thugs, small time thieves, double-crosses, a big heist, and Kitty Collins (Ava Gardner), the femme fatale.

The first act is based on a Earnest Hemmingway short story—often using his dialog—and it’s a zinger. The two assassins are terrifying and a joy to listen to. The environment is true Noir, with gloom and sickness hanging over everything. Lancaster makes a great hopeless victim. And it all promises so much. With such a great opening, what mysteries are to be uncovered? There’s no question that the back-story of the victim is going to be one of cinemas greatest. And who those killers are is going to supply a great payoff. It can only lead to brilliant reveal after brilliant reveal.

Or not.

It seems a little unfair to penalize the film for not being able to live up to its setup. What Noir could live up to such a perfect opening? The Maltese Falcon did it. Double Indemnity and Laura as well, and Sunset Blvd. But that’s about it, and those are the best of the best. The Killers promised more than it could deliver.

That’s not to say what’s here isn’t good. The high-contrast cinematography is everything I could ask for. Ava Gardner is supernaturally beautiful. Lancaster made enough of an impression on audiences to become a star—just from this role. O’Brien is a solid lead and I’ve always enjoyed Levene. Even the plot with its twists within twists kept my mind in the game. But that’s it. It’s all…nice. It’s good. But that opening was the opening of a masterpiece, and I’m left feeling cheated by the end. The thugs were fine, but not exciting. The Swede was just some guy. The story kept things humming along, but it is neither mythic nor unexpected. The only thing that surprised me was how few surprises there were.

When the two killers finally show up again after an extended absence, I got excited. Now things were going to fire on all cylinders again. But Hemmingway only wrote a short story and director Robert Siodmak and writer Anthony Veiller had used that up. There was no magic left in the tank. It’s not shocking when you consider they stuck on ninty minutes of material that was trying to explain and fill out the twelve minute opening.

I think I’d have been more satisfied without the opening, making this a pretty good little B-movie about some small time crooks trying to make a big score and it not working out. With the opening, The Killers is disappointing. But man, those are a masterful twelve minutes.

 Film Noir, Reviews Tagged with:
Mar 081946
two reels

Johnny Morrison (Alan Ladd) returns from the war with his two buddies (William Bendix & Hugh Beaumont), one of whom has a brain injury. His sleazy drunken wife, Helen (Doris Dowling) has been carrying on an open affair with Eddie Harwood (Howard Da Silva) a wealthy criminal, and admits to killing their child in a drunken crash. Johnny leaves her, and happens to be picked up by Joyce (Veronica Lake), Eddie’s wife. When Helen is found dead, the police search for Johnny, who intends to find the murderer on his own.

Thought of as a major Film Noir, The Blue Dahlia lacks the stylish cinematography of the best of the movement. It’s shot like an earlier crime drama. It also lacks the wit of top Noirs. It does have the grimy worldview. These are some nasty people. Johnny is unpleasant. He has plenty of reason to be unpleasant, but that doesn’t change the fact. Alan Ladd plays him switching between mean and blank. His wife has no redeeming qualities and her friends are empty. The house detective is a blackmailer and the hotel manager is connected to the mob. Pretty much anyone that pops up on the street is a crook. At least the guy with the shrapnel in his head has reason to be a bad date. The exceptions to the dark world are Johnny’s other buddy and Joyce, both of whom are saints. It’s hard to see what she sees in Johnny, since nothing on screen tells us.

Actually, it’s hard to see a lot of the things in The Blue Dahlia. The plot is based on a series of coincidences, with people just happening to run into each other all over the city. By the third time it happens, the film has lost any dramatic power and can only be taken as a romp—a romp with a lot of scummy people. Raymond Chandler, who authored the screenplay, knows how to put together a story, but this one was rushed. Worse, the ending is a mess, and not his fault. He wrote a workable (if obvious) final act, but the War Department objected, so Chandler did the best he could, which wasn’t all that good. Besides the pointless identity of the killer, the film completely ignores three dead bodies. It makes the nice chat with the unknowing widow feel rather strange.

OK, so the story is horrible, but it does move along at a nice clip. The secondary cast are all excellent and fun when allowed to be. And then there is Veronica Lake. This is one of her better performances. If you are not a fan, take a half star away from my rating. I am a fan, so I’m happy to watch this on an afternoon with a very cheaply priced ticket.

Lake and Ladd co-starred in two other Noirs, This Gun for Hire (1942) and The Glass Key (1942).

 Film Noir, Reviews Tagged with:
Feb 251946
five reels

A Few Thoughts

Carmen: “You’re not very tall are you?
Marlowe “Well, I try to be.”

There, less than three minutes into the film, and it’s clear that something special is going on. This is no cheap detective thriller. This is art.

Normally, a review would include some general plot synopsis at this point, but that’s something that can’t be done with The Big Sleep. It’s not at all clear what the plot is. I can say that hard-boiled detective Philip Marlowe (played by Humphrey Bogart with a natural flare that no one has ever matched) is called to the home of a wealthy old General Sternwood to look into a blackmail scheme. From there Marlowe follows the clues and we follow Marlowe, but neither he, nor we, have any idea where those clues are leading. Two murders are never explained, one of  Sean Regan, a hired gun/friend for the General that should be of great importance, but like all “plot points” in The Big Sleep, is of no consequence. The other murder is of the chuffer Owen Taylor, which so confused director Howard Hawks that he finally called Novelist Raymond Chandler to figure out who did it. Legend has it that Chandler said he didn’t know, same as the screenwriters, so Hawks decided to finish the film without worrying about such details. There’s blackmail photos that might be pornographic, might be a connection to a murder, or might be nothing at all—we’re never told.

All of that is perfectly fine. This film isn’t about the destination, but the journey, and it’s one hell of a ride. The film whips along without a slow moment; a tricky feat as this is mainly a talking picture. The dialog is first rate, managing to be meaningful, witty, and funny all in a single sentence. It should be good with three masters—Chandler, William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett—all sticking their pens in. Every member of the cast delivers those lines perfectly. There isn’t a wrong moment.

But don’t think that this movie is only talking. You are never more than a few minutes away from a murder, a fistfight, or a shoot out.

Plus there is the romance between Marlowe and the General’s older daughter Vivian Rutledge, played by Bogart’s new love at the time, Lauren Bacall. This was their second film together, and while they may not burn the way they did in To Have or Have Not, they still have more than enough chemistry.

Playing with Censors

Like many Film Noir films, this one let’s you play the “Spot Where They’re Playing With the Censors” game. This was 1946 and the Breen code was at full power. The Big Sleep gives us, ever so slightly disguised, two sets of homosexuals (a pair of hired guns and an older man and catamite), drug use, illicit sex, and pornography. Not a bad list since none of those were allowed by the code.


The Big Sleep has one more surprise for anyone who hasn’t kept up on its history—there are two versions. The film was completed in 1945 and shown to servicemen, but with the flop of Bacall’s previous film, Confidential Agent, Bacall’s agent, among others, feared that The Big Sleep could bury her. It lacked those zing-just-whistle scenes from To Have or Have Not, So, before releasing it to the general public, 20 minutes were trimmed and replaced by 18 minutes that better promoted Bacall’s sassy image. The 1945 version was hidden for over 45 years but now they are both available.

Is one better than the other? No, but they are different. Most critics side with the ’46 version, particularly because of an added restaurant scene that has Bogart and Bacall trading quips and double-entendres. That version is more romantic, if that’s what you are looking for. The ’45 version is easier to follow, partly for including a long scene at the police station where Marlowe, the D.A., and Marlowe’s police friend all try to explain what’s happening. The Marlowe/Rutledge relationship has a different kind of charm with the increase in doubt and suspicion. It’s easy. Don’t choose. See them both.

 Film Noir, Reviews Tagged with:
Feb 021946
two reels

Elderly one-handed pianist Francis Ingram (Victor Francen) gathers his live-in nurse Julie Holden (Andrea King), his roguish friend Conrad Ryler (Robert Alda), his eccentric secretary Hilary Cummins (Peter Lorre), and his lawyer (David Hoffman) to sign a document that later turns out to be his will. Julie secretly plans to leave due to Ingram’s oppressive crush on her which would mess up Hilary’s plans as he needs her to distract Ingram so he can do his astrological research. It also would affect Conrad who has fallen for Julie as well. That night Ingram dies falling down the stairs, which brings Ingram’s greedy relatives (Charles Dingle & John Alvin) to the villa, as well as Commissario Ovidio Castania (J. Carrol Naish). The commissario will have a good deal of work as the next few days bring a murder, mysterious piano music, and Ingram’s hand chopped off of his corpse. Is there a murderer in the house, or has the hand come to life?

The Beast with Five Fingers is both an Old Dark House Mystery and the first of the killer hand films, and I wish it had chosen one of those and stuck with it. I’d have liked to see it as full-on supernatural horror, but horror films were going out of style (only two American ones were made in the following three years), so we were back to the Scooby-Doo subgenre, where everything that seems spooky is really just part of an ingenious (and in most cases an impossible to pull-off) plot. Too bad as Lorre’s dealings with the hand are the best parts of the film.

If it was going to be a grounded Old Dark House Mystery, then it needed wild, eccentric, and fun characters, as well as a mystery that’s hard to figure out. Unfortunately, there are so few characters that there’s no question as to who is doing what. And those characters aren’t very interesting. Conrad is more or less the lead and hero, but he never does anything. He gets a few witty lines and is reasonably charming, but that’s it. Julie is a generic pretty girl written inconsistently, and the relatives are one-dimensional villain types. Lorre does his best to carry the film, but he’s not given enough to work with. The characters aren’t bad, but they lack the depth or chemistry to hold my attention through the non-mystery mystery.

The uneven script was credited to Curt Siodmak, which fits with Siodmak’s uneven writing output for the decade, from the superb The Wolf Man and I Walked With a Zombie to the less successful Son of Dracula and The Ape. The failings can more easily be laid at the feet of Warner Brothers management, which disliked horror and didn’t think a pure horror film was a good investment. After all, only the lower classes like horror. The epilogue, which laughs away the entire picture, was an edict passed down from on high. Director Robert Florey had enough style to pull off a horror-thriller, but was hamstrung by the studio and distanced himself from the finished product saying that all his ideas had been rejected. The only one behind the camera who managed to get top quality work in the film was composer Max Steiner, along with Bach and Brahms. Warners made almost no horror films in the 1940s, and here that inexperience, tied with contempt, sabotaged their project. With the talent involved, it could have been much better.

Oct 211945
2.5 reels

A sad, emasculated cashier, Christopher Cross (Edward G. Robinson), falls for Kitty March (Joan Bennett) a younger woman he believes he’s rescued from an attack, which was really just her sleazy, drunk boyfriend (Dan Duryea) slapping her around, as he often does. Thinking he is a rich painter, the two attempt to con him out of his fortune.

Chris is an easy man to understand. He dreamed of being a painter, but he’s an aging salaryman. His wife is a shrew who emasculates him daily. And no one has ever cared about him. His boss is having an affair with a sexy blond thirty years his junior and while Chris doesn’t approve, he does wonder what it would be like to be loved like that. So when a young, beautiful girl shows him attention, she becomes his world.

Kitty’s no slinky, skilled femme fatale; she’s a low-cost street walker who only made $15 when her pimp expected $50 (although the censors would never allow it to be stated that she was a prostitute, so it is only implied). She’s beautiful, but lacks the seduction skills common in Film Noir. Her routine wouldn’t work on anyone who wasn’t desperate. And she has only disdain for Chris. “If he was mean or vicious or would bawl me out, I’d like him better,” she says, cringing at his weakness. She’s lazy, dim, and cruel, but her biggest failing is loving Johnny, who beats her and takes her money. But Johnny isn’t a great force for evil either. He’s a weak, petty little man. He’s an insignificant conman. And that’s the point of Scarlet Street. These aren’t big important people in a larger than life story as you find in The Maltese Falcon. Here, everyone is no one special. They were doomed to sad little lives before they met and the tragedy that followed isn’t all that much worse than what might have happened to them on any other path—perhaps less ordinary, but that’s all. We’re all doomed on Scarlet Street.

The film gains a bit of power from it’s meta-casting. Edward G. Robinson’s was firmly entrenched in cinema history as an over-the-top tough guy. In film after film he was strong and violent, sometimes psychotic. To see him weakly obeying his wife and wearing a floral apron makes Chris more pathetic for the comparison. A particularly nice moment is when he meekly takes a cigar, saying he never smokes such things. Here, just as in his gangster films where he was always chewing on one, a cigar is a symbol of masculinity.

Scarlet Street is a good Noir, but not a great one. It is hard to elevate a nihilistic story about unimportant common people to greatness, and impossible with a production code that demanded a certain kind of ending, and that ending is a weight on the film. Still, solid performances and skilled direction from Fritz Lang make it worth seeing.


The year before, the same director and main cast had made a similar Noir, The Woman in the Window.


Oct 091945
two reels

Inn keeper Nick Catapoli (J. Carrol Naish) has lost his faith in humanity and has little use for Christmas.  As he repairs his giant, electric, star-shaped sign, and his customers continue their relentless unpleasantness, a pregnant woman and her husband, a mysterious hitchhiker, and three cowboys converge on his inn, and they will change everyone’s way of thinking.  22 min.

The nativity story as written by Charles Dickens (if Dickens had been a ’40s-era American), Star in the Night is the kind of pleasant hokum that you can only get away with during Christmastime.  It is sweet and innocent and so obvious that having any working brain cells will get in the way.  There are three cowboys who happen to be laden with presents for a child, a star glowing in the East, a filled inn that has a nice shed, and a woman about to give birth.  Gee, I wonder what it all means?

Made by Warner Bros while the studio system was strong, Star in the Night has a cast of charming character actors who all have strong personas.  J. Carrol Naish, who more often could be spotted in weak horror flicks (The Monster Maker, House of Frankenstein), but also found his way into classics (Captain Blood, Beau Geste), is properly cuddly as the ethnic stereotype who learns the true meaning of Christmas.  He’s supported by several actresses whose names you’ve never heard, but if you watch ’30s & ’40s films, you’ll recognize, as well as the always joyful puffball of a man, Dick Elliott (Judge Crothers in 1945’s Christmas in Connecticut).

It’s nice, gentle, family entertainment, although it’s hard to imagine that it deserved its Academy Award for best Two-Reel Short.  But really, how many Academy Award winning films are actually the best in their year?  Look at the list sometime.

Star in the Night is available on the Christmas in Connecticut DVD.  It may not be worth searching out on its own, but it makes a nice opening act for that Christmas favorite.

Oct 081945
three reels

Young, good-looking Dorian Gray (Hurd Hatfield) wishes that a painting age while he remains unchanged.  As Dorian becomes corrupt, the painting takes on not only the look of his progressing age, but of his ever-increasing sin.

The short novel, written by Oscar Wilde, is a story of sin and the dual nature of man and bears more than a passing resemblance to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  Dorian starts off as a reasonably good man, but a little goading from Lord Henry Wotton (George Sanders) sets him on a path toward depravity.  Wotton is the most entertaining character of the film, speaking almost exclusively in Wilde-like witticisms, and Sanders makes it all seem natural.

For a film so expertly crafted with so many good performances, it is surprising to have such a bland lead.  Dorian needs to be engaging and seductive with a touch of apparent innocence.  Here, he is a non-entity.  Yes, his face isn’t supposed to change as he ages, but it would be nice if it altered enough in a scene to show an emotion.  Whenever Hurd is missing from a scene, the film hums along, but as soon as he appears, all life is drained from the screen.

Aiding Hurd’s non-performance is the old code censorship which banishes from the film not only the sight of Dorian carrying out his depraved acts, but even a hint at what they might be.  When he eventually kills someone, it is clear that is his first murder, so what has he been doing that is so foul before that point?  My best guess is that he is gambling, gossiping, and sleeping with women and then not marrying them.  Or maybe he’s just boring people to death.  Gladys Hallward, a character that is clearly virtuous in all ways, is as cruel to her admirer as Dorian appears to be to his.  Is there a lesson there?  If so, I’ll bet it was unintended by the filmmakers.  Adding to those flaws is a narration which treats the viewers as complete idiots.  The b&w cinematography, the color scenes of the portrait, and George Sanders are enough to make The Picture of Dorian Gray worth catching.  It should have been better.

Back to Classic Horror

Oct 041945
three reels

A Dutch ship is wrecked in the Spanish Main, and its captain (Paul Henreid) is  condemned to death and his land grant stolen by Don Juan Alvarado (Walter Slezak).  But he escapes, and becomes the pirate The Barracuda.  Primarily out for revenge, he captures the ship carrying the red-headed Irish, but supposedly Spanish bride-to-be of Alvarado, Contessa Francesca (Maureen O’Hara).

Mixing Captain Blood with a cheap paperback romance novel, The Spanish Main is a standard good-guy pirate Swashbuckler.  With all the expected plot twists, several ship battles, an arrogant maiden who sees the error of her way, a pair of sword duels, and a couple of mass melees, it’s a likeable family picture.

Paul Henreid (Casablanca), in an attempt to change his image from drab lover in dramas to something with box office appeal, suggested the pirate epic, but was turned down by Warner Bros who had better stars for the genre.  A fluke in his contract allowed him to take the idea to RKO, who made it into their first, full Technicolor movie.

While Henreid was no competition for Errol Flynn, he makes a surprisingly viable pirate.  He displays too much honor, and not enough rogue, but cuts a dashing figure and looks good with a sword in his hand.  Maureen O’Hara is beautiful and not to be forgotten, doing the same fiery red-head that she would use in all her sword adventures.  Most of the rest of the cast perform their parts adequately, although lacking the panache of Basil Rathbone, Patric Knowles, Eugene Pallette, Alan Hale, or Montagu Love, who filled similar supporting roles in the better Swashbucklers.  Walter Slezak is the standout, as a slimy, fat (as the Contessa points out), megalomaniac who steals all his scenes.  He reenacts the part he played a year earlier in the comedy The Princess and the Pirate, and so seems to be in a different kind of movie than everyone else.

With the exception of a few sexual innuendos that will be transparent to anyone not searching for them, The Spanish Main offers not only nothing new, but nothing that hasn’t been done better.  However, for lighthearted froth, it is entertaining.

Slezak’s other Swashbucklers are the Bob Hope vehicle The Princess and the Pirate (1944), Sinbad the Sailor (1947), and the musical The Pirate (1948).

O’Hara’s other Swashbucklers are The Black Swan (1942) with Tyrone Power, Sinbad the Sailor (1947) with Douglas Fairbanks Jr., At Sword’s Point (1952), where she got a chance to swing a sword as the daughter of a musketeer, and Against All Flags (1952) with Errol Flynn.

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