Oct 022002
3,5 reels

Blade (Wesley Snipes) teams up with a pack of vampires to stop the spread of a new type of undead that is a threat to humans and the old vampire order.

Quick Review: If you’ve seen Blade, you know what you are in for. The action is a bit faster, the monsters a bit scarier, and the jokes a bit funnier, so you have what a sequel should be. Director Guillermo del Toro was brought in to give the film an edge, always a problem for a sequel as the concept has now been used at least once. So he made his new vampires more frightening and put our heroes into confined places for a bit of tension. It worked.

Blade II is better than its predecessor, though not by much. While the FX has improved (again, just a bit), there are two horrible scenes, one where two vampires are fighting Blade in front of a bank of white lights, and they obviously become CGI, the other in a final duel with a Reaper vampire where a cartoonish FX wrestling move is made. Everything about the second is bad, and jerked me out of the film. As for the first, del Toro has stated his own disappointment with the effect. Otherwise, this is thoroughly fun adventure film. See it, like the first, because it’s cool.

It was followed by Blade: Trinity.