Peppy psycho killer Angela (Pamela Springsteen) returns to camp to massacre campers who aren’t nice enough, and no one is nice enough for Angela. This time it’s Camp New Horizons, run by Herman and Lily Miranda (Michael J. Pollard, Sandra Dorsey). The campers are a mix of rich brats and underprivileged delinquents, but Angela makes no distinction.
Exactly like Sleepaway Camp II, here’s a movie that is perfect for no one. If you hated the previous film, you’ll hate this one. If you liked it, there’s no need to see this as it’s the same film. Some camper says something rude; Angela kills the camper and tosses out a one-liner. Repeat until there are no campers. No surprises.
There are ample topless shots early on, but they lack excitement. In the worst, character actor Michael J. Pollard ends up with a bare breasted camper in what is supposed to be the beginning of a sex scene, but the girl looks uncomfortable and you can see her avoiding being kissed. If you are going to hire a girl for a topless sex scene with an older, goofy looking man, make sure she’s willing and able to pretend she’s enjoying it.
Springteen is still adequate in the lead role, but she looks a bit tired this time around. Perhaps she was trying to convey Angela’s depression due to her lesser view of campers in general. It’s more likely she needed a nap.
Numerous little self-referential jokes (“What day is it?” “Saturday the 14th.”) are almost funny, but I never laughed.
Sleepaway Camp III isn’t horrible. It’s boring.