Freddy (Robert Englund) is back (yes, again), this time using the dreams of Alice Johnson’s unborn child to attack her and her friends. To stop him, Alice must release the ghost of Freddy’s mother.
Quick Review: Yup, he came back after he was absolutely and unequivocally dead…again. It’s hard to get too involved in these plots to destroy Freddy since they are all different, and they all work only until the next sequel. This time, Alice, the dream master from the last sequel, having mysteriously lost her dream combat skills, finds herself pregnant by her quickly deceased boyfriend and popping in and out of dream worlds. The dreams looks good, particularly the M.C Escher room of stairs. Even in the dreams, Freddy is a bore, speaking only unmemorable one-liners. Outside the dreams, we get Alice telling everyone about Freddy and everyone saying she’s nuts. This isn’t exciting the first time so you can imagine how riveting it is the tenth time.