Pin Head (Doug Bradley) returns, without the powers or restraints of hell, to cause mayhem. Only the puzzle box can stop him. TV reporter Joey (Terry Farrell) has the box, and a dream connection to Pin Head’s human half. If only she can trick the human bound monster and send him back to hell…
Well, things blow up reeeal good. This third Hellraiser film has little to do with the first two, but it has a lot to do with explosions and fires. It’s not bad if you ignore the word “Hellraiser” in the title and take it to be just another monster flick. Pin Head has degenerated into a generic demon and the shock factor is gone. If you want fairly good-looking monsters and some spectacular death scenes, plus the before mentioned nearly random explosions, then you’ll enjoy Hell on Earth. If you are looking for the kind of innovation and twisted genius that were the hallmark of the first two films, you will be disappointed.
Terry Farrell (Star Trek: Deep Space 9) is pretty enough but could have used a few more acting lessons. Even Doug Bradley is a bit off his game as Pin Head, but he does have some good lines.
The other films in the series are: Hellraiser, Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Hellraiser: Bloodline, Hellraiser: Inferno, Hellraiser: Hellseeker, Hellraiser: Deader, Hellraiser: Hellworld.