Murder by the Clock (1931)

Murder by the Clock (1931)

Cruel, elderly Julia Endicott (Blanche Friderici), matriarch of a dying family, walks through the cemetery, trailed by Philip (Irving Pichel), her feeble-minded, brutish son and Miss Roberts (Martha Mattox), the housekeeper. Julia claims they are going to the family crypt to lay flowers, but really it is to check the moaning alarm horn she’s had

The Cry of the Werewolf (1944)

The Cry of the Werewolf (1944)

At a horror museum, while the tour guide (John Abbott) gives speeches on werewolves, Doctor Charles Morris (Fritz Leiber)—doctor of…history maybe, or voodoo—researches a werewolf woman. He’s murdered, seemingly by a wolf, and his scientist son (Stephen Crane) and the son’s semi-sister/girlfriend (Osa Massen) play detective to find the murderer. Police detective (Barton MacLane) also

The Gorilla (1939)

The Gorilla (1939)

Walter Stevens (Lionel Atwill) owes a great deal of money in some kind of sketchy deal. He has also been threatened with death by The Gorilla, a maniac killer who’s been getting lots of news coverage. His niece, Norma (Anita Louise), who is the other heir to the family fortune, arrives at his house along

The Invisible Ray (1936)

The Invisible Ray (1936)

At his mountain top castle, Dr. Janos Rukh (Boris Karloff) works to perfect his discovery, the ability to capture a ray from Andromeda, and use it to view the past. Laughed at by other scientists, he lives in seclusion with his young wife Diana (Frances Drake) and his mother (Violet Kemble Cooper), but for validation

El fantasma del convento (1934)

El fantasma del convento (1934)

Somewhat effeminate Eduardo (Carlos Villatoro), his wife Cristina (Marta Roel), and Eduardo’s more manly friend Alfonso (Enrique del Campo) get lost while walking in the woods at night. A strange man with his dog, Shadow, appears and offers to take them to the nearby monastery of the cloistered Order of Silence. There they are taken

Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955)

Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955)

Peter and Freddie (Bud Abbott and Lou Costello) find themselves mixed up in the murder of a professor.  Trying to clear their names only makes things worse as both a criminal (Marie Windsor) and a cult leader (Richard Deacon) want the amulet they have, an amulet that leads to the treasure of an ancient tomb,

Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

The Monster (Boris Karloff), having survived the fire at the mill, wanders the nearby forest, hunted by villagers, until he meets a blind hermit (O.P. Heggie), who treats him well and teaches him to speak. Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive) also survived the fire, but weakened, and is being nursed back to health, both physically and

Cat People (1942)

Cat People (1942)

Irena Dubrovna (Simone Simon), a Serbian immigrant, falls in love with Oliver Reed (Kent Smith), and they quickly marry. Irena refuses to consummate the relationship, believing that arousal would turn her into a panther. Eventually, Oliver persuades her to see psychologist Louis Judd (Tom Conway), but he is more interested in getting his hands on

Creature  From the Black Lagoon (1954)

Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954)

A group of scientists travel up the Amazon to a lagoon, searching for fossils of a fish-man.  Instead, they find a living creature, whose main interest is the expedition’s female member, Kay.  Romantic and philosophical rivalries tear at the group, increasing the danger as the try to capture the Gill Man, and he attempts to

The Creature  Walks Among Us (1956)

The Creature Walks Among Us (1956)

For the third time, a group of scientists capture a gill man, but burn him in the process.  While treating him, they activate his dormant lungs, and allow his skin and eyes to become more human. The scientists then show the creature what humanity is all about and it’s not all good. Quick Review: So

The Devil-Doll (1936)

The Devil-Doll (1936)

Unjustly imprisoned Paul Lavond (Lionel Barrymore), escapes from Devil’s Island with mad scientist, Marcel (Henry B. Walthall), who has discovered a way to reduce animals to one sixth their size. Marcel plans to use this to help humanity, but when he dies, Lavond teams up with Marcel’s wife, Malita (Rafaela Ottiano), supposedly to continue the work,

Doctor X (1932)

Doctor X (1932)

When the police inform Dr. Xavier (Lionel Atwill) that they suspect someone from his Academy of Surgical Research to be the cannibalistic Full Moon Killer, he requests time to do his own “scientific” inquiry, to avoid adverse publicity.  However, investigative reporter Lee Taylor (Lee Tracy) overhears the police, and writes a story, forcing Dr. Xavier