Jul 262012
  July 26, 2012

All Geeks: Come On Down

In the last few days the Internet has been flooded with comments related to an ugly article written by one Joe Peacock in which he claims the power to designate who is, and who is not, a geek, and, as being a member of geek culture is a precious thing, he’s not allowing in attractive women cosplayers.

It is a bizarre thesis, and disturbing, and I admit having the urge to psychoanalyze him. What makes him so angry with hot, spandex-clad females? But that leads us into ad hominem territory, so best to leave Mr. Peacock’s mental state in untouched shadows. I’ll stick to his disquieting statements.

For those lucky enough to have missed it, Peacock, writing on CNN (which should know better) states that there are women appearing at geek events who he objects to in the way I might object to a group of neo-Nazis appearing in my living room.

What I’m talking about is the girls who have no interest or history in gaming

I get sick of wannabes who couldn’t make it as car show eye candy slapping on a Batman shirt and strutting around comic book conventions instead.

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