The X From Outer Space (1967)

The X From Outer Space (1967)

With the previous four Japanese Mars missions destroyed (maybe by a UFO, maybe not, but let’s not get too worried about little details like that), a new mission is set to go, with a manly-man captain, a goofy sidekick, a hot American Blonde, and a doctor who will soon be replaced by a grumpy American,

Godzilla: The Planet Eater (2018)

Godzilla: The Planet Eater (2018)

Giant monsters rose up all over Earth, with the final one being Godzilla, and destroyed human civilization. Two alien races arrived at the last minute to help—the highly religious Exif and the engineering-obsessed Bilusaludo—but they failed. A single spaceship escaped, with a mixed crew, looking for a new world. Twenty years later, with things looking

Rebirth of Mothra Trilogy (1996-1998)

Rebirth of Mothra Trilogy (1996-1998)

Rebirth of Mothra (1996)  Rebirth of Mothra II (1997)  Rebirth of Mothra III (1998)  Three films in which a pair of fairy sisters, Moll and Lora, work to save humanity with the help of children and the goddess moth, Mothra, while their evil sister attempts to do the opposite using various huge monsters. In Rebirth

Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. (2003)

Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. (2003)

A direct sequel to Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla (and the only film in the “millennium series” to carry any continuity) Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. (also known as Godzilla vs. Mothra vs. Mechagodzilla: Tokyo S.O.S.) starts with an injured Godzilla somewhere in the ocean and a damaged Mechagodzilla in the shop. As politicians fret, the twin fairies from

Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe (2015)

Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe (2015)

At an archaeological dig, Hu Bayi (Mark Chao) volunteers, along with other soldiers, to accompany Professor Yan and his daughter Ping (Yao Chen) down a dangerous tunnel. These leads to fire bats, avalanches, and a mysterious temple, and also the deaths of most of the party. Several years later Bayi and his childhood friend Wang

El signo de la muerte {Sign of Death} (1939)

El signo de la muerte {Sign of Death} (1939)

Journalists and romantic couple Carlos (Tomas Perrin Jr.) and Lola (Elena D’Orgaz) investigate the murder of a woman whose heart was cut out, implying she was a sacrifice. Their investigation leads them to the foremost expert on the Aztecs, Dr. Gallardo (Carlos Orellanda) of the museum. He’s also secretly a member of an Aztec cult

Sexy Killer: You’ll Die For Her (2008)

Sexy Killer: You’ll Die For Her (2008)

At a Spanish medical school, Bárbara (Macarena Gómez), a beautiful and fashion-conscious student, dreams of a future with a plastic surgeon husband, a lovely house, multiple jobs, and two kids. Med school is for husband-shopping. While there, she goes on a joyous murder spree. Most of her victims are scumballs, but she isn’t out to

Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth (1992)

Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth (1992)

A meteor strike both wakes Godzilla and uncovers Mothra’s egg. It is also the final straw for Battra, who heads toward Japan to wreak havoc. A poor Indiana Jones stand-in, his ex-wife, and a salaryman head to Infant Island to check out the egg, and end up recreating as many Indiana Jones scenes as could

Cada loco con su tema (1939)

Cada loco con su tema (1939)

Julio César Napoleón (Enrique Herrera) is a high-strung writer of radio thriller plays. His doctor sends him away for a rest, using the name Justiniano Conquián to disguise his fame. However he mistakes an old dark mansion for the sanitarium and he is mistaken for the heir to a fortune, whose name is coincidentally Justiniano

The Guardians (2017)

The Guardians (2017)

Super villain August Kuratov is back from… somewhere… and he plans to take over the world. He was part of a cold war-era genetic experiment to make supermen. To stop him Maj. Elena Larina (Valeriya Shkirando) pulls together the other survivors of that project: rock-controller Ler (Sebastien Sisak), speedster ninja Khan (Sanzhar Madiyev), were-bear Ursus

Gamera vs Zigra (1971) 

Gamera vs Zigra (1971) 

Two children—this time a boy and a girl, who are younger than in previous films—are kidnapped along with their astoundingly stupid fathers by aliens who plan to takeover the world with their earthquake machine and then live in the oceans. The kids outsmart the alien woman and return to Earth. Will Gamera defeat the aliens?

Son of Godzilla (1967)

Son of Godzilla (1967)

In a faraway island, scientists experimenting with radioactive weather control (yes, you heard that correctly, radioactive weather control) accidentally cause huge praying mantises to grow into humongous praying mantises. The big bugs unearth and break open an egg and out pops a toad man… I mean a baby Godzilla. The full size Godzilla shows up, so the