Went into the SS Administration office today. It took over two months to get an appointment. I had to go in to fill out forms and to get Eugie’s $255 death benefit. I suppose that was enough for a burial in the 1930s and they’ve never changed it. Seems like the sort of thing to do online. The woman was very nice. She did ask a lot of questions about Katie which I wasn’t prepared for. Hadn’t thought to bring in a second set of birth and death certificates. Didn’t really make any difference. They’ll send me the $255 in a week or so.
Having to do that, talking about Eugie, that wasn’t uncomfortable. But the car ride there and back were. I’ve been focusing on some work related to her writing, and that’s kept my mind occupied. With the drive, with nothing else to distract me, that’s when I fell apart. Guess I need teleporters. Now back to work. Free time is not my friend.