Mask-wearing, immortal Jason Voorhees is cryogenically frozen in the near future, along with beautiful Rowan (Lexa Doig). When both are thawed on a spaceship 400 years later, it is up to Rowan to stop Jason from killing everyone on board.
Quick Review: This is what you do when you realize your franchise is way past the point of salvation. “Jason in Space” is every bit as dumb as it sounds. The plot is minute, the characters are cardboard, and the scares are missing, but that’s nothing new for the Friday the 13th series. Unlike its many predecessors, this 10th outing is fun in a mindless, camp fashion. The setting makes it obvious the writer watched Alien a few times; if you are going to steal, steal from the best. Doig is attractive and can act as least as well as anyone in a Friday the 13th movie. She plays a robot on her TV show Andromeda while Lisa Ryder plays a human there but a robot in Jason X. Hmmmm. It’s clear no one was taking this project seriously, which is a welcome change from earlier films in the series.